

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

About UsWe are a small group of parishioners who provide children attending 9.30 am and11.30 am Sunday Mass with an opportunity to: listen, talk and think about the Liturgyof The Word with other children of their own age. What we…

Family Mass

About UsFamily Mass gatherings occur on the first Sunday of every month. It’s a time for the children to take part in the service through reading, prayers and singing. What we do The main organiser prepares the readings for the…

Fundraising Team

About UsThe fundraising team at St. William of York is a group of parishioners who are keen toproduce interesting and fun ways of raising additional funds to improve our church.The fundraising team aims to implement at least four activities during…

Reconciliation & Eucharist

History and BackgroundThe parish based Sacramental preparation dates from when these preparation programmes were moved from the primary schools into the parishes in the late 1970’s. Aims and ObjectivesCatechists work with families to promote and nurture the faith journey of…

RCIA (Journey in Faith)

About UsThe Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the means by which the Church prepares unbaptised adults, wishing to be unified with us through several stages, until they are ready to be received into the Church through the…


About Us If you wish to have your child baptised, you will be invited to attend a course consisting of two evening sessions usually held over consecutive weeks. It is in place to welcome you especially if you are new…

Confirmation Catechesis

About Us The Confirmation team is a small group of volunteers who meets with young people in year 10+ who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. The sessions run once a month from January to May, on a Sunday…

Stewards & Welcomers

History and Background We have a long tradition of this practical ministry to welcome people to our church; it became more defined following the COVID lockdown of 2020. Aims and Objectives This ministry provides a group of people to welcome,…

Scripture Reflection

About Us A group of friends joined together because of our shared interest in the Scriptures. With the priests approval, we decided to write our own interpretation of the Scriptures each week which is included in the church’s bulletin. What…