Parish Prayer
Almighty Father, we acknowledge your love in calling us to be part of your family.
We believe that we are sent by your son to preach by our way of life the truths of the Gospel.
We shall strive to be a people of prayer in our home and within the worship of our parish.
We shall celebrate the Sacraments with gratitude and in response to your love.
We shall involve ourselves in the calls made on our talents and our time to make this a real community of love, care and peace.
We shall endeavour to educate ourselves to the needs of the wider world and support these needs by our prayer and material aid.
We shall promote justice and peace at every level.
We shall try to be less self-centered, more aware of the needs of others, and especially of young people.
We shall strive to build a unity of Christians within our locality and so fulfil the will and prayer of your Son.
We shall try to love one another as you have loved us.
Lord, we mean all that we have said, but we realise that we are weak.
So we pray that you will help us, Father, through the life of your Son within us, and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to be faithful, loyal and active members of your family.
Patrick. M. Aikens (Parish priest from 1986- 2007)