“The effect of the sacrament of Confirmation is the special outpouring of the Holy Spirit as once granted to the apostles on the day of Pentecost.”

(Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1302)

To celebrate the presence of God through the gift of his Spirit is essential for us in order that we might be fully initiated into the life of the Church.

We invite the Young People of our Community to reflect on where they understand themselves to be, on their Journey In Faith.

We invite Young People to make a positive decision to welcome the Spirit more fully into their lives so that they may continue on their ‘journey’ with renewed enthusiasm as young Christians.

We invite Young People to consider how very important their place is in the life of the Church in this Parish.

The Confirmation team is a small group of volunteers who meets with young people in year 10+ who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.

The sessions run once a month from January to May on a Sunday evening for about an hour. We also aim to organise retreats (1 day or weekend) at least twice during the length of the course.

Who should apply?
Young people who have left school but who have not yet been confirmed.

Only those who have a genuine desire to be confirmed in the spirit.

Young people who have begun, this coming September, their fourth year in Secondary Education – Year 10.

Time of Preparation

We must take time to reflect, to prepare, to decide. All Young People who wish to join the period of preparation and decision making will be expected to enter into the process should apply to the Parish Office.


Parents are very much in the process of preparation. Your support of your son or daughter is essential. A great deal depends on your involvement. ‘What involvement?’ you may ask.

You will be asked to encourage project work to be carried out at home, perhaps working with your son or daughter.

You will be asked to part of the Liturgical celebrations throughout the programme.

You will be asked to get involved in any social events we plan.

ABOVE ALL you are asked to be a source of encouragement to your son or daughter as they continue to search for Christ in life.


It is the primary task of the parish to organise and implement the programme of the preparation.

The method we use is varied but the Young People will be divided into groups during the preparation period.

These will be facilitated by a Catechist.

Meetings will be held at regular intervals – on average twice per month.

Be assured that you will be fully supported by a team dedicated to your wellbeing on your Faith Journey.

The whole Community is involved at different levels – through prayer and awareness of the journey that the Young People are making together and joining in various liturgical and social celebrations.


The schools have an important part to play as well in specific teaching about Confirmation. Those who do not attend Catholic Schools will receive the entire preparation through the Parish.


The programme of preparation for Confirmation organised in this Parish is based on the Diocesan Policy on Confirmation and has the wholehearted approval and support of our Bishops.

What Now?

If you are considering being confirmed and joining the preparation process an application form will be available from the Parish Office. You will be invited with your Parents or Guardian to an Information Evening (date to be announced). All details as to what is required of YOU will be fully explained in order to help you make an honest decision whether or not you wish to proceed at this stage in your life.

If, after this meeting, you wish to proceed, you will be invited to join the preparation process beginning in January.