RCIA (Journey in Faith)

About Us
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the means by which the Church prepares unbaptised adults, wishing to be unified with us through several stages, until they are ready to be received into the Church through the sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) at the Easter Vigil. Members of other Christian Churches, whose Baptism is recognised as valid by the Catholic Church also follow this pathway in preparation through a declaration of faith and reception of the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist, also at the Easter Vigil.

What we do: A team of parishioners, including the Parish Priest, is responsible for following up expressions of interest from people by meeting with them individually and collectively to learn about them, listen to their stories and try to discern with each one whether the time is right for them to test their intentions through the first stage of the Journey in Faith. Should it be the joint wish of the Enquirers and the RCIA team to move through the following stages, which involve rites and public declarations by the Enquirers, Catechists and members of the Community, they come to be baptised or received into the Church at the Easter Vigil.

Who can get involved
We encourage all parishioners to get involved with our Enquirers by supporting them at our Catechetical sessions, befriending them and being prepared to act as Sponsors and/or Godparents if asked to do so.

How to get involved
Just turn up for the sessions, which are always announced in the Newsletter and usually run from early September until the following Pentecost. And remember… you don’t have to have a qualification in Theology, just a willingness to journey with our Enquirers and share your faith with them.

How to contact us

Please contact the Parish Priest to register your interest email: foresthill@rcaos.org.uk

Tel: 020 8690 4549 (Parish office