

Called to Bear Fruit

HELP SHAPE THE FUTURE OF OUR ARCHDIOCESE  The Archbishop invites you to play a vital role in shaping the future of our Archdiocese. He encourages everyone to reflect on the themes in the Called to Bear Fruit booklet and participate…

Collecting for our local foodbank

There will be a collecting point by the back door to the school hall EVERY WEDNESDAY from 10am to 4pm! Please drop a donation in, as you walk by, so that we can help those in our community who are…

Parish Upper Hall Project Survey

Following feedback from Parishioners and hall users we wish to review our current facilities. We believe that by understanding properly how our hall is used we will be able to make some changes to it which will make it an…

Gift Sunday – 1st & 2nd week in December

We collect toys and gifts to pass on to local charities for their Christmas appeals and Christmas food items for the local food bank. We ask for Toys or gift vouchers for children and teenagers, small Christmas food and other…

International Day for the Community

Our International Day for the Community is a wonderful and colourful day of celebration that demonstrates our togetherness as a Community. National dress, shared music, instrumentalists, readings and prayers in many different languages to reflect and celebrate our diverse heritage…