History and Background
Our parish has had a Liturgy Group for more than 30 years. We are a group of parishioners including from different ministries and catechetical groups working together to support our liturgies.
Aims and Objectives
We aim to make our parish liturgical celebrations inclusive, welcoming and open to everyone to participate in. We look at how we can enrich our community worship and bring all the community closer together and to God.
Current Activities
We meet 2-3 times a year, usually in October, January and after Easter. At each meeting, we review the previous 3-6 months, look ahead to the next 3-4 months and discuss what we can do to support our liturgies and enrich the coming liturgical seasons.
How do I get involved
Our meetings are open to anyone who is interested in finding out more and contributing to the planning of our liturgies. You can get in touch with us through the Liturgy Contact in the contacts list.