About Us
The Lectors Group consists of parishioners dedicated to proclaiming God’s Word during Mass. Recognising that Christ is present in the Scriptures, lectors undertake the sacred task of bringing the Word of God to life for the congregation. A bi-monthly rota ensures coverage across three weekend Masses.
Who can get involved
Parishioners confirmed in the Catholic faith are invited to join this vital ministry, ensuring its continuity for future generations. Children in Primary School will also be the lectors at the Parish Family Mass, which occurs on the first Sunday of the month during the school term.
Any parishioner who has been confirmed in the Roman Catholic faith. We are particularly looking for younger members of the congregation (17 – 30), to ensure the continuity of this ministry.
How to get involved
If you feel called to proclaim the word and enrich the Liturgy, contact the Parish Priest or Peter Julien (details below)
How to contact us
Organiser: Peter Julien
email: peterjulien2004@aol.com