Music Groups

About Us

The parish has a great tradition of singing, with a “folk group” being formed in 1978 to complement the traditional choir. Today our music groups support the 9.30 and 11.30 masses, using the same music at each mass. Our repertoire is mainly modern (post 1980) settings of the prayers of the mass, psalms, hymns and songs. The music is led by a group of instrumentalists playing piano and guitars, plus melody instruments, and a singing group sits together to support the congregation’s singing and to add occasional harmonies.

Aims and Objectives

We place great value on the importance of music in our liturgies. The action of making music together is a model of community: we all bring our talents to share, with each individual supporting and being supported by the whole. Music is a gift that joins together the prayer of all worshippers to make a communal song of praise to God. The music ministry’s central aim is the strengthening and sustaining of the congregation’s prayer in song, which plays such a significant part in the life of our community.

Current Activities

We sing every week at the 9.30 and 11.30 Sunday Masses, and at all the major feasts and celebrations. The singing groups practise together every Thursday from 8-9pm in the church. The instrumentalists for the 9.30 mass rehearse together at 9.15 most Saturday mornings. Music planning takes place at meetings open to all members of the music groups: these are heId every 6/8 weeks.

How do I get involved: We are always looking for new members – you don’t have to be able to read music or to have sung in a choir before: you will be very welcome if you just turn up on a Thursday evening. We are also always keen to find new instrumentalists.

How to contact us

If you are interested in joining this ministry, please speak to a member of the Music Group or contact the parish office.