Church Flowers

History and Background

Fresh flowers are an important part of enhancing the space in which we worship and have been arranged by dedicated volunteers since the church opened. The flowers are enjoyed by parishioners and visitors alike.

Aims and Objectives

The flowering arranging group aims to continue to enhance the liturgy through seasonal flowers and greenery that reflect the theme and mood of the celebration.

Current Activities

Our established team of volunteers work individually on a rota basis and find doing the flowers a meditative and peaceful practice. They take great pride in producing arrangements that are simple but beautiful and each do the flowers about 4 times a year. There are special arrangements for feasts such as Christmas and Easter.

How do I get involved

It is helpful to have some interest and experience in arranging flowers at home but training and support can be given. Contact the current rota organiser for more specific information and if you have any questions.

How to contact us

Organiser: Clare Thomson
