Time, Talent & Treasure

About Us
The Time, Talent and Treasure initiative of St. William of York, operates through an
informal group organising different activities throughout the year. The activities focus
on promoting the spirituality of resources amongst our congregation. As disciples of
Christ we understand that what we have, (our time, talents and our physical
possessions) are gifts from God. One way to understand this, is through the idea of
our generosity, our responsibility to care for mother earth, the natural world, and to
enhance it for future generations.

We can and should encourage the use our gifts to serve others. For example, our
young, our students, the needy and members of our community, especially those who
are ill or infirmed. Finally, we can understand it through the idea of stewardship. We
are stewards of God given gifts, and we have a duty to care for our gifts, and, for the
gifts of our community to use them well and to increase them.

What we do:
Our work is directed and supported by the Parish Priest and the Parish Council. We
organise diverse activities focusing on promoting the understanding, the spirituality
of Time, Talent and Treasure and how these gifts work in our parish.

Who can get involved:
Members of the Parish interested in the spirituality of gifts and increasing our
resources personally and as a community.
How to get involved:
If you would like to join in the activities we pursue periodically, where we focus on
increasing and promoting our human resources, (in the church groups) and our
church physical resources, contact one of the members on the list below.

How to contact us
Organiser: Sebastian De Ramon
email: foresthill@rcaos.org.uk
Tel: 020 8690 4549