Altar Servers

History and Background

We have a long tradition of children and young adults serving at mass, often forming strong friendships which continue beyond their serving ministry.

Aims and Objectives

The servers enhance and support our Sunday masses by helping the Priest on the Sanctuary.

Current Activities

We have a team of servers for each of our three Sunday Masses. They commit to serving twice a month, on a monthly rota, at the mass they usually attend with their family. Young people are welcome to join the serving team any time after they have celebrated their First Eucharist. We have a training session each year for new servers, after which they start serving at Mass. Ongoing training and formation is provided for older servers to take on additional roles including Acolyte (Candle bearer), Thurifer (Incense bearer) and the Senior Server who guides and supports the younger servers.

How do I get involved

Any young person who has celebrated their First Eucharist is welcome to start serving. Get in touch with us through the servers contact in the list.