Reconciliation & Eucharist

History and Background
The parish based Sacramental preparation dates from when these preparation programmes were moved from the primary schools into the parishes in the late 1970’s.

Aims and Objectives
Catechists work with families to promote and nurture the faith journey of the children that started at Baptism.

Current Activities
Children celebrate the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist during the school year in which they are eight. The period of preparation runs from the Autumn until the children celebrate the Sacrament of First Eucharist in the Summer term. Parents are asked to commit their child to come to all of the sessions (approximately monthly for one hour), meetings and liturgies and to work with their children throughout the period of preparation. Four sessions are devoted to Reconciliation and four to the Eucharist. Parents work with their children in some of the sessions but have other sessions with our Parish Priest.

How do I get involved

Contact the Parish Office