History and Background

St William of York have been members of Citizens UK for over 15 years. Citizens UK is an alliance of local communities working together for social justice and the common good.

Aims and Objectives

Our aim and objective is to bring people together to listen and discuss changes we want to see in our community at St William of York.

Past Activities

St Williams of York Citizens in collaboration with London Community Land Trust recently completed a project and successfully delivered 11 affordable homes in Citizens House, Unity Way, Sydenham.

Current Activities

Setting up Be Well Hub

Involvement in local Lewisham and Greenwich Campaigns:


Migrant and Refugees

Living Wage for Care Workers

How do I get involved

Speak with Janet Emmanuel, David Longley, Geke Ong or Email: janetemmanuel@hotmail.co.uk; davidlongley87@gmail.com; gekeongvdvelde66@gmail.com