About Us
We are a group of volunteers providing a service to the Sick and Housebound of our Parish, who are unable to attend our Masses. Our aim and service to the Sick and Housebound is to keep them as involved in parish life as much as possible
What we do
We ensure that they receive the Eucharist at least once a month.
To ensure that all the housebound are visited by a priest at least three times a year during Lent, during the summer and in Advent.
We are also made aware of the needs of those housebound people who do not wish to be visited so that they know we are there if they need us.
Who can get involved
Anyone can be involved but they must be willing to be DBS checked.
How to get involved
We would welcome more volunteers, so if this is something you would like to help with please contact the Parish Priest via the Parish Office.
How to contact us
Email: foresthill@rcaos.org.uk
Tel: 020 8690 4549