The Knights of St. Columba: Sydenham Council 472

About Us

The Knights of St Columba is a Catholic fraternal service organisation and the largest of its kind in Britain. We are a lay Order of Catholic men, pledge to support the Church and Clergy at all levels. We work together with our parishes and communities and try to play a full part in the Lay Apostolate. Our aim is to develop all aspects of our faith and to voice and share our convictions with catholic Christian men.

What we do

We work across all parishes within the Diocese of Southwark and particular within the five Parishes mentioned above in Lewisham. It involves close communication with the Priests and Bishops, supporting them in promoting our Christian values. We follow the social teachings of the Catholic Church and work for the moral and social welfare of our communities and in particular to help the development of young people. Our members strive to do achieve these aims through charity, unity and fraternity. The work we do in our communities involves charitable action projects for needy causes at local or regional levels, plus every member participates in raising funds for a National Action Project.

Who can get involved

Any male Catholic Christian over the age of 18 years are welcomed to join the Order. You can contact the parish Priest, who may recommend you for membership.

How to contact us

Contact your local representative:

Matthew Medupin on 020 8314 5234 and have a chat with him email: