Finance Committee

About Us

Every parish must have a finance committee to support the priest in ensuring that the financial arrangements within the parish are compliant and that the parish is maintained and financed. The finance committee supports the priest. He is the decision maker. The committee is advisory. On the committee we currently have a treasurer, a person in charge of gift aid, a person delegated to monitor building maintenance, and two others, one of whom chairs the meeting. I am the chair. We are audited annually and submit annual accounts to the Diocese.

What we do

We meet between 4-6 times a year, discuss the parish budget, spending in the parish, ways in which we can reduce costs, maintenance of the parish buildings and how that should be financed.

Who can get involved

The committee is led by the parish Priest. The membership is generally at his invitation.

How to contact us

Enquiries regarding finance and issues that should be brought to the attention of the committee probably ought to be directed for my attention through the parish office.

Organiser: Carol Kinch


Tel: 020 8690 4549 (parish office)