About Us
Missio is the name of the Church’s official charity for overseas mission. We bring the hope of the Gospel, where there is turmoil, poverty and uncertainty in the world, and particularly where the Church is new, young or poor. Our aim is to empower local people to form and sustain communities of faith and we train and nurture future leaders.
What we do
At a parish level, there has been an active Missio present at SWOY for many years. Its main work is to help raise funds, which Missio then distributes overseas. We do this through the annual collection on Mission Sunday, which is celebrated the same Sunday worldwide each October, and through the Red Missio Boxes which parishioners have in their homes. When the boxes are full they should be brought to the church to be emptied. We organise this twice a year. In 2016, £899 was contributed to Missio through our Red Boxes. We also inform the parish about what Missio is doing through the parish newsletter, such as special masses, an annual novena and meetings. Missio’s regular colourful magazine Mission is available in the Narthex.
Who can get involved
We all have a responsibility as result of being a Church member to be a missionary, though most of us do this indirectly through helping those active overseas by our money and our prayers. Missio is one way to do this. We would be delighted if you can become involved!
How to get involved
We are eager to talk to anyone who wants to take a more active role in helping Missio to expand its footprint in the parish.
How to contact us
Please get in touch if you would like more information.
Organiser: Jonathan Douglas, Local Secretary Missio
Email: foresthill@rcaos.org.uk