About Us

The Gift Aid team at St. William of York is a part of the parish finance committee and they are tasked in ensuring that the parish received income tax relief from HMRC as a benefit for the parish.

Gift Aid increases the value of your donations to the parish by 25% because the parish can reclaim the basic rate of tax on your gift at no extra cost to you, so for every £1 you donate we can claim back an additional 25p.

The process is really simple; all you need to do is to fill out a Gift Aid Declaration form. This is a statement from you to the Parish confirming that you wish to donate through Gift Aid and receive tax back on your donation. To complete one of these forms kindly download a form HERE or register for Gift Aid when using the DONA contactless device in the Narthex.

What we do

Gift Aid is inputted into the Southwark Dioceses gift wise system every week, this is an electronic system that records all offertory collections made by participating gift aiders in the parish, this automatically calculates what is due to the parish and the income is sent directly to the parish every month (25% of the income donated).

Who can get involved

Anyone in the Parish who enjoys being part of the finance committee, that is keen on numbers and has excellent attention to details skills.

How to get involved

Email or telephone the person on the contact list below to find out about the meeting dates or just to learn more about what to expect at a team meeting.

How to contact us

Organiser: Parish Secretary

Email: foresthill@rcaos.org.com