About Us:

We are a group of volunteers responsible for the running of Cafe York; a social meeting place where we gather after both Masses on Sundays.

We open Cafe York before the Mass in preparation.

This space is provided for parishioners and all who visit our church, where they can develop friendships, and meet newcomers to our Parish and community.

Cafe York space can also be used for very small meetings.

What we do:

Cafe York offers refreshments of Tea, Coffee, Biscuits and Toast.

A small donation towards this is always welcomed.

Prepare the refreshments, washing up and tidying up afterwards.

Who can get involved:


We rely entirely on volunteers to keep Cafe York running, so any parishioners, young people who could spare some time to make this a welcoming place!

How to get involved:

If you can spare as little as one hour a month, then please contact me, Marie Odile (see contact details below), or you can talk to me after the 9.30am Mass most Sundays in Cafe York.

How to contact us:

Organiser: Marie-Odile Fays-Evans

Email: cafeyorkswoy@yahoo.co.uk

Tel: 07766 102 876